Let Your Banner Fly!

"When you give your own unique gift to the world, the entire fabric of the planet is strengthened and enriched."
Joanna Powell Colbert
The quote I share to begin this post is what living and giving means to me... offering our unique gifts to the world and receiving them in return. It is a core belief of what I stand for. Why then have I been holding back for months and months to change the name of my site to the one that truly fits what I offer? Simple answer: Fear, stinking thinking, and old beliefs... mainly stinking thinking.
Why do we think things have to be linear? If I do X then Y will happen. Maybe it's our math brain, the left side that likes being scientific and proving things. If there's one thing I've learned in my journey of personal growth and healing: Life is NOT linear. Doing X does not always result in the Y we imagined.
In this case, my thinking convinced me that in order to change the name, I needed to change everything about my website--text, graphics, programs.
My right brain--the artistic, creative, coachy side--kept nudging me. Just do it. Change the name. Do it. Go for it. Do you recognize that voice in yourself? It's often the one that shows up just before Oh, I could never do that.
Life is not about having all our ducks in a neat, tidy row. Circuitous paths are often the best way to get exactly where we need to be. Back in college when my parents said they'd pay for any degree but sociology or psychology, I said "ok" and became an accountant... until 25 years later when I earned my masters in counseling psychology. I had to go there to get here.
This week, when I finally got quiet enough to hear myself (that's code for allowing right and left brain to unite), I realized the only thing I needed to do to change my website was to add a new banner. Period. So I asked my hubby to design it for me. Again, simple. Then my thinking started up and said I needed more data, people wouldn't get it, it was branding suicide, blah blah blah.
While the subtle internal argument continued and I was contemplating putting off the banner replacement until I return from a trip in late September, I received this in my inbox with the note: "This reminds me of your work." Yes!
It was exactly the nudge I needed. Live it. Give it. Love it!
Life is not linear. Thinking doesn't always move us where we want to go. Sometimes we simply need to follow our heart and trust the rest will fall into place.
Banner first. Possibilities next.
What "banner" are you longing to share with the world?
(from September's Newsletter)

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