water wings

"...anyone who stands on the edge of the unknown, fully in the present, without a reference point, experiences groundlessness." Pema Chödron
If I were to write a story today, it would be about wings... Those wings that lift me up from this velvet blue Mediterranean sea and into the pale cloud-punctuated sky.
I would remember that there is only here and now... water licking and lapping at the boat hulls in the marina of San Pietro... breeze blowing the towels from our refreshing morning showers... wings that keep us afloat... wings that bless and carry and soar.
I would tell you about the wings of my journal pages and wings of the ferry pulling into the dock... Fairy wings :-)
Wings that gently rock the boat... that cradle my soul and let me know there is only here and now. Wings are my safety point when all feels groundless... lifting from my shoulder blades, the space behind my heart center...whispering, 'Still I rise.'
I rise from the heavyness of previous days-- jet lag flying away with hours of deep slumber. Wings that hold the clouds that poured the rain of last night's storm, leaving this morning clean and refreshed. Angel kisses on my face. Yes!
Grazia. Prego. Wings of language. The universal language of a smile and an open heart... Toss in a little sign language and we are off...
Gentle wings lead us on this pilgrimage called "Today."
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