Chat with Kat - Let's talk!

Oh my mind is bubbling today! It's amazing what 10 hours of real sleep, a green smoothie, and meditation time with my kitty will create.
I keep trying to fit my life into some kind of organized routine and guess what? It doesn’t fit! Spontaneity, synchronicity, and going with the flow have become my trademark modes of operation and I love it! It’s no wonder I ditched my former career of accountant and traded it in for something more fluid. Even now when people ask me what I “do,” I’m hard-pressed to come up with a succinct answer.
My favorite response is that I am an artist of being alive. Yep, that one feels about right. “Living”—in that it includes all the highs and lows of someone who’s willing to put her whole being into the arena.
mooring at FornellsOne metaphor keeps popping up from my recent sailing adventure. While we were settling into the harbor at Fornells, Menorca, our harbor master, Chavi, came out to assist. (That's him and his pup, Nutella, in the red boat.) He said, “the boat is most happy with a long line on the mooring ball.” Later as I was lying on the deck watching the clouds float by, it occurred to me that my favorite way of living is the combination of being moored (or anchored) while having the freedom to be adrift.
I relish being moored to home, family, rituals, friends… AND I love having a long line… freedom to be me, to let each day unfold, finding my own rhythm, and creating what my “routine” looks like.
Now, back to this morning’s “bubbling.” I want to share this all with you! So… I’m setting aside tomorrow (Friday October 4) for “free”-spirited conversations (“Chat with Kat”). I know it’s short notice. Isn’t that grand? You can be spontaneous along with me!
Here’s the deal: Do you want to say 'hi', wish me a belated happy birthday, ask a coaching question, tell me about yourself, see what my voice sounds like, hang out, catch up, talk about Paris or Live it to Give it or nothing at all? Anything goes (other than being nasty, of course)!
I'm super-excited to hear your voice!!
Click here to set it up! No strings attached. I promise!!
Twenty minutes is such a tiny portion of your day, won’t you please share it with me??
(And if October 4, doesn’t work for you and you wanna chat, please let me know. I might just do this again. You never know.)

Reader Comments (1)
good post.Thanks for the post.....