Be like water flowing...

Water. My word for the year. I began 2010 by taking solo winter walks along the shore not so far from my house. As the year draws to a close, I find myself nestled into a friend's seaside cabin with my beloved husband. Water has greeted me with her fluid mystery and manifested in ways I could never have imagined. My winter vacation included a lesson in surfing and a mesmerizing experience with a sea turtle. Who would have thought that my annual trip to Bermuda (an island surrounded by Caribbean sea) would be traded in for a journey to the Sinai desert - especially in the year of water? I've learned throughout the year to "go with the flow" and as 2010 sails to a close, having rushed by like a flash flood, I find myself grateful for the seas I have traveled this year.
A favorite story crossed my path a few days ago. It is the tale of a man who has the choice between a map and a boat to accompany him on his journey. Choosing the boat, the grand master offers these words - "You are the boat. Life is the sea." Wherever we find our center (our boat), we have the ability to go with the flow, weather the storms and enjoy the immensity of life. My boat has carried me well this year. I've patched it when necessary and provided a new coat of paint or two to spiff things up - always remembering it's very important to care for my vessel! New journeys are on the horizon for 2011 and I look forward to cracking the champagne across the bow as we embark for the new year.
My word(s) for 2011 have already bobbed to the surface. However, today as I watch the mighty wind push the waves across the Sound, water deserves its honor. Stay tuned for the 2011 word announcement!! My prayer, for now, is to continue to be like water flowing and see what fills my cup in the days and weeks to come.

Reader Comments (6)
"having rushed by like a flash flood..."
ain't that the truth!
Ah, lucy, glad water fits so well 2010 for you. 'Lightness', as in taking lightly, did not apply so well for me. Maybe it should be more like a five-year plan than a word for the year :-)
Blessings on the new year!
I'd forgotten that your word was water...
I look forward to hearing about 2011...
claire - i like the idea of a five year plan!!! my words seem to start bubbling well in advance of my awareness and continue long after their designated expiration date :)
'lightness' reminds me of a combination of the elements - air & fire. hmmmm.
hey karen -
my new word(s) are up :) happy new year to you!!
tinkerbell - i guess if we can't stop the flood, we might as well go with the flow, huh? happy new year!!!