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consider this...

“I no longer seek any perfection from my own efforts…but only the perfection that comes from faith and is from God…We who are called perfect must all think in this way” (Philippians 3:9,15).

Where the text finally points, leads and calls is to the total mystery of divine union—and nothing less.

You don’t have to figure it all out or get it all right ahead of time. You just have to stay on the journey. All you can do is stay connected. We don’t know how to be perfect, but we can stay in union. “If you remain in me and I remain in you,” says Jesus, “you can ask for whatever you want and you’re going to get it” (see John 15:7). When you’re connected, there are no coincidences anymore. Synchronicities, coincidences, accidents and “providences” just keep happening. Union realigns you with everything, and things just start happening. I cannot explain the “chemistry” of it all. Some people call it “the secret.” All I know is that the “branch cut off from the vine is useless” (John 15:5), yet on the vine it bears much fruit (15:5, 7). The True Self is endlessly generative, in touch with its Source; the false self is fragile, needy and insecure.

--Richard Rohr

Reader Comments (4)

Quite profound, lucy. When you're connected, there are no coincidences anymore. ... The True Self is endlessly generative, in touch with its Source; the false self is fragile, needy and insecure.
In our humanity, unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be one or the other but both the True and the false S/selves in one person.

July 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara

This is ALL Richard Rohr? Fabulous, so true, so real. Thank you for sharing it.


July 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSUNRISE SISTER

barbara--it is definitely both/and...i 'm not sure why it is so hard for us to understand that.

ss--ALL RR. i couldn't find a reason to excerpt any of it. xoxo

July 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlucy


so very true, so very simple :)

July 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHis Girl Friday

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