stand firm

My ponderings lately have been many – my writings few. The theme of “stand” arises again and again. Today - “and having done all…stand.” Ephesians 6 :13. Yesterday - “I did not hide my face from insult.” Isaiah 50:6. Approaching the end of Lent, I consider how Jesus stood in the face of assault during his life and particularly at the crucifixion.
We are in the midst of Holy Week and even if you do not believe in the crucifixion and resurrection, it is still a great story. The images and metaphors of dying to self and rising again are powerful. Standing in the face of life’s trials and not backing down. “I did not hide my face from insult.” No matter what happens, stand firm.
Standing firm can take on many forms. It can mean grieving or gritting your teeth and bearing things. I see it as not numbly checking out or fleeing, but staying with some form of presence. I will not leave. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” God stands firm. The ultimate image of parent. Again, even if you do not believe in the God story – choosing to parent yourself and stand firm in the face of life’s trials. Choosing not to leave yourself.
Feeling our feelings. Being impacted by others. Standing firm. Firm does not mean rigid to me. It is grounded. Perhaps my face in the dirt - head to the ground, humbly weeping. Terra Firma. The ground as holy. My feet planted deeply and entwined with the roots of the world – like an old tree that can be blown about and lose its leaves in a storm or provide shade in the heat of day.
Lord, may I stand firm with strength and tenderness for myself as well as others.
Where do you long to stand firm today? Where are you tempted to flee? How might you consider changing your view of what standing firm looks like? Is it full of strength? Tenderness? Both?

Reader Comments (9)
Great post, Lucy, thanks for highlighting this. I feel a bit lost in Lent this year and this is helpful. :)
blisschick--thank glad to know this helped :-) "a bit lost" is probably a pretty good description of my own lenten time. peace.
My own thoughts just now are more about moving rather than standing... but more of that tomorrow.
I like the stability and rootedness of the standing metaphor - so maybe I should combine your motif and mine and become an Ent like Treebeard. Of course, there are those who would say that I move as fast as an Ent - both on the treadmill and in thought!
Please may I join the "a bit lost" club?
What you say here reminds me of the non-violent actions espoused by Gandhi and others, and the expression "stand up and be counted".
Standing. Indeed, I do not see it as rigid ... just staying with myself ... not wishing to be elsewhere ... feeling my feelings. I have been thinking about this a lot lately,
ER--seems to me like that's part of the choice - deciding how fast you want you ent-self to move & where :-)
tess--you are always welcome in the club. i would love to know more about your "lostness." wonder if it looks anything like mine? or blisschick's?
thanks, tink!! glad to be on the same wavelength with you. (hope you don't mind if i call you tink...i mean it most affectionately and respectfully :-)
Oh, is there a way to 'favorite' posts? Or can I just peel this off and stick it in my pocket, etch it onto my heart... It's so difficult to stand tall, especially with uncertainty, with those questions that keep us up at night, refusing to be cast aside, ignored, or forgotten...
How do you pull the truth out of those feelings stuck fast in the gut, circling over and over and over again?
Oh, I'm filled with so many questions and this post gives me strength. I'm thankful I visited here tonight...
Great post-
Says to me "Stand firm and tall and rooted - not rigid or unseen or shallow" says a lot - Amen, Sister, Amen!
eow--i am deeply touched by your commentary and glad you found a bit of solace here. yes, those swirling questions...i hope you'll take a look at my post of today. peace be with you.
SS--Amen! and thank you xoxoox