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enCouragingBliss: Building your Happy Place

Today I invite you to check out Blisschick's post on "building your happy place." This week's challenge is to create a collage of your happy place. I absolutely adore collage work and find it so enlightening to see what pops up.

For me, it's really important to not overthink the process, so this morning I set a few boundaries for myself. I opted to use just one magazine. (Today's choice was the May/June 2008 issue of Departures.) Flipping through the pages with the theme in mind, I intuitively selected images. The real challenge came when I decided to keep the size to fit in my visual journal (7" x 5 1/2 "). (I find paring down, helps me see what is essential.) So, I sorted through the pictures - cropping - tossing- rearranging - until I was satisfied with the layout. Glued them all down and voila - my happy place.

The visuals say much to me and I will probably add some journaling to complete this process. Perhaps it's time for you to consider your own happy place. This took me just about an hour from start to finish - not much time really in the big scheme of things. Isn't it worth playing with some glue and scissors to remind yourself what makes you happy?

Wishing you joy today!

Reader Comments (12)

Oh what lovely things comprise your happy place. A feast of symbolism and joy. I especially like the singer belting it out in the bottom right corner.

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTess

Yes...and I love the butterflies and the sparkling water...I am so attracted to "sparkling!" Thanks for playing along, Lucy, I would love to hear if you "discover" anything from this.

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterblisschick

Me, I love the bridge and what looks like a field of light.

Appreciated reading about your "parameters" which would be quite helpful to use.

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKavindra

tess--yep, lots of symbolism and joy. not surprised the singer showed up. it has always been my dream to be a doo-wap girl but truly my voice needs many lessons. i am no susan boyle!

blisschick--sparkling & butterflies. who knew? i was quite surprised by the number of images that showed up representing embraces. think i might be up for some good snuggle time!

kavindra--welcome. the bridge reminds me of the "journey or path" lined with light. aahhhh...

happy happy place. thanks for stopping by all!!

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

Lucy, I love your "happy place"! May all your wishes come true.

Thanks for the kind comment you left on my blog. :)

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

a sparkly happy place.

Thank you for sharing, Lucy! :)

April 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmma

tracy, tinkerbell and emma - thank YOU for stopping by and leaving your words! that takes me to my happy place :-)

April 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

Hi Lucy,
I haven't done the collages in a while. I used to do them for relaxation, focus, encouragement. You've inspired me to slow down a bit and think about creating one...and perhaps, what photos are lacking, I can just 'doodle' instead! :)

ps Seattle might happen this time...the last week of July...will keep you posted; would still love to have that coffee with ya! :)

April 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHis Girl Friday

This is so what I needed to read today...this is great! I love doing small collages so doing something that is personal is great! Thank you Lucy!


April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGabriella Moonlight

hgf--keep me posted on your seattle potential. i'd love to have coffee with you, for sure!!

Gabi--i hope you make a little collage of your happy place and even better post it on your blog. please. :-)

April 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

What an awesome happy place, Lucy! I too love the shimmer and sparkle and join you in the singing dream.

Many blessings!

April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPamela

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