Stone in My Heart

On a quiet day in Glendolough, I curled up in an abandoned room filled with extra chairs, tables and a perfect crimson loveseat by the window. For the first time in the trip, I placed my i-pod earphones into my ears, set the music to shuffle and listened to the conversation that played out between the Universe, the still small voice, God and me.
Much of the poem here is made from lyrics that showed up “randomly” that day. I journaled as I listened, and the result turned into the conversation I call “Stone in My Heart.”
Abbey of the Arts gives us a great invitation this week to engage in poetry and gratitude. I am grateful for so much – including the stone in my heart. ☺ So, pop on over to the Abbey and share your version of gratitude. Here's mine:
She gets unruly with things she don’t wanna do.
Stuck believing her dreams will never come true.
So, Baby, how’d you sleep last night?
Stop hanging on. It’ll be alright.
Let go of the stone in your heart.
But I don’t understand the touch of your hand.
You might think it’s easy being me.
Just stand still and look pretty.
Don’t wanna hurt anymore.
Can’t let go of the stone in my heart.
In every moment there’s a reason to carry on.
Sweet love flowing almost every night,
I’ve never seen such a beautiful sight.
Life is more than memories.
Let go of the stone in your heart.
Sweet surrender’s all I have to give.
Stop hanging on. It’s time to let go.
Dance, Baby, dance – child, wild & free –
Unruly one, come dance with me.
Embracing the stone in your heart.

Reader Comments (12)
Ooh, this spoke to me, Lucy Loo. Nice one :)
I would love to join the poetry party. I haven't written a poem for months, alas, alack, bleat bleat bleat.
I have begun reading Anam Cara by John O'Donoghue. So beautiful. I think my Celtic ancestors are calling me :)
Beautiful picture Kayce!!! I love the poem! Pamela
You are truly in an Emerald Isle. The green of the grass is stunning in these photos.
Embracing the stone : embracing you.
Accepting who you are : the stone becomes less weighty.
I love the poem, especially recognizing the various song lyrics - a lovely lyric collage.
RE: Sue's comment - Something truly magical is going on. I had never heard of John O'Donohue until last week, when I happened "by chance" upon Anam Cara at the library. Now this is the third reference to him I've come across in the blogosphere since then.
Lucy is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very BEAUTIFUL!
Ooh, The P, hope you're enjoying your read :)
Yes, Lucy is gorgeous, is she wot wot
Beautiful indeed. Embracing your stone - lovely.
Truly LIVING with and in spite of the stone is beautifully reflected in this photo. The stone - obviously large enough to overwhelm and crush you but the spirit of your soul will not allow, thus the picture of the two of you living together! I love the juxtaposition of your hands in this shot - touching but not bound.
sue - i'll be looking for that poem from you. being in the land of anam cara was such an amazing experience and blessing. whether we are irish or not, i believe each of us longs for that soul friend!
pamela - thank you. miss you!
pollinatrix - it was really fun to see how the words from different songs really played off of each other. it was truly magical as the i-pod did its shuffle thing and the words i needed to hear just flowed out!
and mr. o'donohue - that has been my experience with him, too. my first encounter was an interview in the sun magazine about 4 or 5 years ago. i was immediately smitten and suddenly he was everywhere! sadly, he died unexpectedly two years ago this coming january at the age of 50. very sad, but his spirit lives on and continues to bless.
oh kigen - you are so so so so kind!
tess - thank you. xooxo
SS - your words speak volumes to me. it's funny but i put this photo in the blog as an afterthought - feeling a little weird about "featuring" myself. i hadn't realized the connection of the poem and the photo until they were placed together. and the hands? yes - i unawaringly am drawn to touching the stone.
there is definitely a greater mystery at work than i can begin to define... but i'm going to keep seeking meaning.
big stone. big heart. :-) xoxoxo
great poem lucy - I love the serendipity of those song lyrics, quite a powerful poem emerged from your listening!
Beautiful poetry from a beautiful "unruly" stone lover. I love having the chance to read your blog. Thankful that this year has introduced you to me. Abundant blessings to you and yours. Shalom, Laura
I love this (poem/thoughts/feelings), and the photo :)