Invitation to Poetry

My senses overflowing - saturated, really - after almost two weeks in Ireland, followed by a retreat to honor the ancestors. I was grateful this morning for Christine's Invitation to Poetry. It is a welcome entry point to "step across the threshold" back into my blogging world. The invitation made easier since I have a poem already created from this past weekend. It came out of an intuitive process where we poets were asked to include a given word line by line in our poems. It never ceases to amaze me what pops out when I choose to get out of my own way.
Titled, Healing Women, this creation turned into a tribute to my mother and two grandmothers. Our history is not one where loving care is the first thing that always comes to mind. However, something shifted this weekend as I honored the women - the girls - they were. The pictured shrine came later in the weekend as more pieces fell into place. The young girl is my mother, Daisy Ernestine. The top photo, her mother, Myrtice; and my father, "the sailor", holds the arm of his mother, Anne.
what story wants to be told?
Shafts of silver light illumine my world,
spreading bare the winter of my soul.
Anne, Myrtice, Daisy step into the dance
as we let go of the stone in our hearts.
Je t'aime, mes amis.
The breath of God has washed us clean &
Jubilation rings the bell
as we return Home together.
- threshold
- story
- a color
- winter
- names of ancestor(s)
- stone
- a foreign phrase (perhaps from your country of origin)
- breath
- an emotion
- home
Reader Comments (6)
Lovely! Evocative. Lyrical.
Lovely to hear and read it for the "second" time.
You're right, getting out of our own way is probably the trick.
"let go of the stone in our hearts" - lovely line.
Lucy, followed your prompts, exchanged 7 & 8, so "breath" speaks the "foreign phrase." Posted it.
thanks, maureen & SS.
tess - if you like that line, stay tuned. it seems to be quite the theme for me lately.
kigen - your poem over at the abbey is ever so lovely. thank you for sharing!
lucy, it is wonderful to read your poem and see your beautiful shrine here again. Oh and great poetry exercise, I should try that ;-).