
oh my, i am home and really want to post. alas, i have another day filled with student appointments, group and supervision hours followed by one or possibly two high school soccer games. the bus is coming in an hour and i am still in my p.j.'s so i better scoot. just wanted to say hi and hit the "publish" button before i moved forward with this day. reminding myself that...

Reader Comments (3)
Hi to you.
I know the feeling - I've just posted a short non-reflective thing before our housegroup arrive for the evening! But in reaching out to touch others, the difference is made.
Its nice to have you back...you make a difference here too.
ER--i love your words "in reaching out to touch others, the difference is made."
and how cool to have comments from "differenceayearmakes" as we are commenting on difference :-)