heading north...east...north...west

• Sunrise in Tiburon
• Coffee & good-byes with friends
• Hit the road 12:00 noon. 73 degrees.
• Convertible down. Cruised North to Redding.
• Temperature peaks at 106 degrees at 4:06 p.m.
• 3 hours driving 132 miles northeast through Shasta-Trinity National Forest.
• First view of ocean just after 7:00 p.m. Spectacular!!!
• I am a water girl!!!
• Surprise I-pod shuffle song of the day. “Joy Unspeakable” by the Gaithers ☺
• Favorite snack of the day? Pluot or kettle corn? A tough call!
• Sunset at Trinidad Beach
• Read the “Elk Crossing” sign near Elk Prairie just before two elk almost walked into my car. Glorious.
• Pavarotti joined me along the foggy coast while searching for the right hotel. (Not too creepy. Not too luxurious.)
• Prayers answered when the Motel Trees appeared through the fog. (Klamath, OR)
• Nine hours of driving. Whew!!
• 50-degree temperature change. (56 degrees when I pulled in for the night.)
• Grilled Cheese & Fries for dinner.
• Hot shower to wash off the road.
• Night Night.
• The best night sleep maybe ever ☺!

Reader Comments (5)
A wonderful day - thank you for sharing it with us! Sounds like lots of Vitamin D was soaked up on the drive:)
Loving the SMK book!
Sounds like you're having a wonderful excursion! In spite of a lifelong fear of water, I'm a sucker for coastlines. Go figure.
In response to your earlier blog re: the "creepy" lodging area, have you read the book entitled "Blink"? The author discusses at length why our first impressions are so accurate so much of the time. He's also very affirming of the notion of following these impressions (gut reactions, intuition, etc.). My congratulations to you for having done so at the first lodging stop. The book is a good read if you haven't already. We've lent our copy to someone and I can't recall the author's name, but it should be easy to find by title.
Have a safe journey and continue to take us with you via the blog!
Awesome!! :)
BTW - I had never heard of Breitenbush until you "encountered" it and yesterday in conversation a friend mentioned she had been to an art workshop at BB - my opinion of the workshop venue might have been a little skewed. The conversation was moving along quickly so I didn't investigate her experience of BB:)
SS--yes, lots of Vitamin D accompanied by a good hat and lots of sunscreen :-) but the fresh air was amazing!
MS--i am just coming to realize the number of people in my life that have a fear of water. very curious. the coastlines are indeed amazing!
i have not read "blink" but will add it to my every growing list. wdh read it awhile back and highly recommends it also. oh, so many books, so little time!
Sue--part of my trip included listening to bill bryson read his book "a sunburned country". i need to finish it, but thought of you for sure. love those aussies!!!
SS--i would love to have other views of BB. it looks like they have some wonderful offerings...maybe to be encountered with a friend next time :-)