ordinary time?

A wonderful “aha” moment visited me this morning. Woohoo!! I love when I am still enough to listen to the answers that are already inside me, co-created with God. This morning was one of those times as I completed my morning pages and settled into a quiet listening.
Lately I have been called to a new rhythm in my day. To outsiders it might look strangely similar to my “normal” rhythm, but there has been a feeling about it that is much different. It has felt less focused, possibly even less driven, and at times has left me wondering what the heck I am doing. Or when my ego steps in and says “what should I be doing?”, my anxiety level can tend to rise. For the most part, however, the rhythm has not felt anxious, but more like waiting which I have described here for several posts.
The “aha” moment came today when I read this post at The Painted Prayerbook. It is a wonderful post about “ordinary time": the time between Lent and Advent. The post resonated with me deeply as I felt like she was describing where I am. Recent lectionary verses included Matthew 6.24-34 which “challenges us with questions that lie at the heart of Christian life: Whom will we serve? Where will we place our trust and our energy?”
Aha! that is exactly where I am…deciding where I will place my energy. The “whom” and “trust” are easily determined when I get out of my own way (i.e. listen without agenda)!
So, I think maybe I will spend today with a little pondering of the Matthew verses which draw on some of my favorites: the birds of the air and the lilies of the field ☺.
How about you? Where are you placing your trust and energy during these extraordinary “ordinary days”?

Reader Comments (5)
my energy is in gestation . . . in the becoming . . . Come and see . . .
I feel in a very similar time!! I spent 3 hrs. in retreat today and felt some of the ego of expectation fall away, leaving me more able to just be present and embrace my life as it is with all its beauty. As you say, such peace in that place!
I've always thought "ordinary time" had this great ring to it. Yet isn't this the same time when the holy spirit comes forth?
I ran into this poem who knows where a year ago, I'm still waiting...http://differenceayearmakes.wordpress.com/2008/03/30/sacred-life-sunday-13/
gestation...very cool, aselah!
cheryl--wonderful to see you here and i love hearing about "the ego of expectation" falling away. that is a great description!! i am delighted you found that time for yourself. it is SO important.
rebecca--i'd love to hear more on your thoughts about ordinary time and the coming of the holy spirit.
the poem is wonderful...i think i remember reading it at abbey of the arts. thanks for the reminder!