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waiting or wasting? blocked or resting? dabbling or mastering? the words will not come. I am reminded of the Nike slogan, “just do it.” alas, I am dry as toast. scattered like confetti in the wind. wrung out and hung to dry. morose? no. delighted? no. extreme? perhaps. love me or hate me, but please don’t be indifferent.

the words will not come, so here is a “recycled” post for today…

the words will not come.
they do not flow like water.
they drip in my mind interrupting solace like a leaky faucet.
they come in ragged, jagged fits and bursts and then
they resist—stop—refuse to congeal and thus
leave me wanting—yearning—aching and unsure of what needs
or wants to be said or heard or read.

my words are insufficient.
cards held close to my vest.
“Thank you but your words are not right for us.”
“Have you tried this or that?”
words of advice slip through the air
and hang like graffiti on a wall.

needing words to communicate—to feel complete.
finding words get in the way.
mood and mystery.
is there meaning in this text?
mine or yours?

the inner (& sometimes outer) critic speaks.
in fits and spurts.
in screams and sighs.
the words will not come.
And they will not stop.

photo by lucy. la cruz mexico

Reader Comments (5)

I know exactly how you feel and don't worry, I still love you, words and recycling or not!!
It'll all come back when it's ready, don't sweat it.

May 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTess

thanks, tess!

May 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

A good "recycle" of the former post. Try as toast here except I've had a nice little surprise this weekend that I need to get down in a post.....drum rolllllll - later:)


May 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSUNRISE SISTER

reduce, reuse, recycle
it's trendy
go with it :)

May 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKel

SS--anxiously awaiting the results of the drum roll :-)

May 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

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