advent retreat

Wow! This "37 day Advent season" is already rich beyond words and I am only three days into it. I have attempted several times to put into coherent words what has been happening over the last few days and alas I continue to end up somewhat speechless.
Some themes that continue to emerge are: light & darkness; vessels; brokenness; holding sorrow; woundedness & healing…God with us.
God’s love and guiding hand continue to amaze and surprise me beyond comprehension. One example is that several months ago I signed up for a Contemplative Retreat and it begins today. While I am certain that the retreat was planned with Advent in mind, it never occurred to me until the date came nearer.
And so, I am off for a few days to experience…who knows what? The program includes art-making, yoga, praying the hours and lots of ‘space’ in a beautiful setting. I am awed by God’s graciousness.
I will be leaving my computer at home and will return here Sunday at the earliest. In the meantime, I hope you will visit lucy creates where I have pre-dated a few images to continue “december views” in my absence.

Reader Comments (4)
Oh wow--a contemplative retreat?! I hope it's everything that you want and need it to be!
What a wonderful gift to give yourself; to end the year and contemplate the new year, to stay grounded during a season that can so easily sweep us away with chaos and to just reaffirm the truth and value of the gift your are to the world. Have a peaceful and insightful reatreat!
(I think I'm going to do this for myself at least once or twice next year...thanks for the inspiration!)
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that yes, I would like a book...I'll email you!
Sometimes words just get in the way.I hope your contemplative time is beautiful.
karen, kate & tess--thank you for your warm words. the retreat was indeed amazing. it will take quite some time to process all that transpired. it was indeed an amazing gift in the midst of what was the most "invitation-filled' weekend of the holiday season. i was glad to be away :-) warmly!