birthing God

One might think my Advent practice has slipped away due to the lack of exposure given here. Au contraire. The practice is deep, wide, broad and growing. My belly, mind and heart swelling with insight and growth. I ponder how to convey the multitude of ways God is working on me. Layers and layers.
“We are bringing God to birth, bringing love to earth.” (written by Betsy Beckman). These words awakened me yesterday morning (actually it was still pre-dawn). Images of God running through my head. The pregnant belly on my Soul Collage card that I created on Saturday around the theme of nurturing the Christ within. This image spoke to me as the child/God kissing my belly in gratitude. Thanking me for “bringing God to birth.”
Sunday night another word from my Advent reading. Luci Shaw writes, “we, too, are pregnant with Christ…day by day we are being enlarged.” Somehow the words 'already and not yet' enter my mind. How do we wait patiently without wasting the time we are given? Missing the present while living in the future? How will I choose to live in the present while waiting for Christ to come? Why do I wait for someone who is already here? There is that beautiful paradox of God: light in darkness, presence in absence, fulfillment in the midst of longing.
The word “present” triggers my lackadaisical response to enter into the commercial experience of Christmas and the frenzy over present buying and receiving. I know others, too, struggle with how to honor this season. We want it to be magical and for some reason it can produce resentment and/or a sense that something is “wrong” if we cannot respond as the world around us expects.
My desire is to focus on the real meaning of Christmas, but I don’t even know what that is. Birthing Christ? Waiting? Celebration & Joy? Christmas tree & decorations? The crazy thing is that I feel quite content and settled in most respects. I am loving my time and focus this season. I have still produced no twinkling lights or Christmas tree or even Poinsettia. I have lit many, many candles and listened to beautiful classical music. I have danced in the snow and driven down Candy Cane lane. I have spent cherished time with friends. I have warmed my home with soup on the stove. I have nurtured God within. Hmmmm…maybe I know more about this holiday season than I suspected ☺.
So, I would love to hear from you. Your words and thoughts are always an inspiration and delight to me. Blessings and peace.
P.S. I’m on my way to have lunch now with my beautiful son who I physically birthed into this world ☺.
collage by lucy 12.13.08

Reader Comments (9)
These words are just beautiful. I'm glad you are swimming in your Advent, Lucy :)
sue--i think my water has definitely burst! peace.
such a lovely reflection as always. you know a lot of my thoughts from the retreat and evening, and I am feeling like I am just beginning to settle more deeply into myself so I may be discovering the new birth during the 12 days of Christmas which is its own magical time. I love your Soul Collage cards. And I am looking forward to birthing our collaboration as well.
Well, well, the "girls" are at it again with dueling posts.....synchronicity, witchcraft?
I love your words today and Sue's comment about swimming in your Advent. It's a bit like floating. I don't know the correct definition for Christmas either but my prep feels o.k. and the Advent morning and writing has been wonderful!
c & ss--always glad to hear from you...waiting and being o.k. in the moment feels like a good, possibly great, place to be. hugs!
Perhaps in a way we are re-birthing ourselves, as well, while we wait and float.
tess--in joseph campbell's "the power of myth", he speaks of exactly that...the birth & rebirth of our spiritual selves as represented through the virgin birth.
love those images of waiting and floating!
Due to snow and parties with old college friends, I am behind schedule. I think it is marvelous! Keep on floating and inspiring us, lucy!
barbara--thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment...sue really started something with this "swimming" theme :-) i had to come back and re-read the post to see about all of the swimming and floating going on here... peace!