Young at Heart

The playful side of Lucy is bursting at the seams these days. Possibly it is the amazing Seattle weather or the refreshment of returning from a fabulous vacation. It could be that my year of celebrating "50" is rapidly coming to a close and I want to capture every moment of delight before that next milestone comes around.
Quotes like "youth is wasted on the young," "how old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" and "you don't quit playing because you grow old. you grow old because you quit playing" run through my head.
I want to play. I want to dance. I want to ride with the wind on my face and the feel of warm sunshine on my skin. I want to bloom and grow and blossom. I want to know the power of being me--shining, laughing star that I am. Lovely. Kind. Free.
Abbey of the Arts (who is also in a playful mood) reminded me of a wonderful poem by Lynn Ungar and particularly the following line:
“Imagine setting it all down—
papers, plans, appointments, everything,
leaving only a note: “Gone to the fields
to be lovely.
Be back when I’m through
with blooming.”
Mark Nepo says of blooming, "The simple rose, at each moment of its slow blossoming, is as open as it can be." I am reminded that I can be no more nor less of who I am at this very moment. Thus, I will embrace this day for what it is and who I am as I carry with me thoughts of laughter and play, youth and aging, blooming and slow blossoming."
"Gone to the fields to be lovely." Care to join me?
photos by bill. bermuda 2007

Reader Comments (3)
I'm right there with you lucy! ( at least metaphorically speaking) Perhaps we'll have to plan an in-person play date when I return in mid-August! :-)
would love to play, christine!!
You betcha, I don't play nearly enough!