Simple Pure Stunning

reflections from bermuda #1In the center of the lush landscape perches a magnificent yellow-
breasted bird. Simple. Pure. Stunning. It is me. Simple. Pure. Stunning. Quiet and still. Allowing space for God. Emmanuel. Always—Simple. Pure. Stunning. Quiet. Still. Alive. Participating in my own life. Gentle as an ocean breeze. Powerful as a summer squall. Tears and joy. Solitude and laughter. Present to what I need.
Right now there are no others around me. Only the energy of the universe. Breath. Air. Water. Flight. Heat. Subtle. Simple. Pure. Even when “nothing” is going on, the world is alive. Can I be present to my own life? Can I be the elegant swallow ready to take flight? The bird at the center of my landscape?
Everything radiates out from me. Concentric circles of energy—floating out to one another. Intersecting and colliding. Uniting and meshing. Passing through. Ripples of life touching each other. Tide—flowing and ebbing. Exposing the rocks and sand. Filling the deep.
I am the center of my own lush garden. How will I choose to see what is around me? Will I sing with joy? Sob with sorrow? Ache with pain? Melt from heat? Weep? Laugh? Sing? Dance? Breathe?
Today breath feels important. Breath. Yahweh. Emmanuel. Simple. Pure. Stunning.
photo by bill

Reader Comments (7)
I don't want to use too many words but just to acknowledge and recognise your words. Beautiful.
Glad to have you back. This post was beautiful, powerful, inspiring. I loved it. Pamela
love this post.. :)
take care and happy Friday!
Simply put, well said. Love the picture.
thank you all! glad to have you here.
How is it that I find myself in the centre of your landscape, Lucy? You must have breathed me in...
that is the beauty--it is not "my" landscape. it is ours...
"concentric circles of energy—floating out to one another. Intersecting and colliding. Uniting and meshing. Passing through. Ripples of life touching each other."