
"What I like about art is the very thing that makes people fear it. It enlarges us. I am a better and more honest woman for having taken to the page today and admitted my locked-away feelings of the years. I am larger and better and softer and kinder and more open than I was resisting knowing what I knew. It is always this way with art. We say the unsayable and in saying it we name not only ourselves but also the human condition. By being willing to characterize our lives in art, we begin to have the character necessary to make living itself an art. We rise to the occasion that life offers us." --Julia Cameron, The Sound of Paper
These words brought tears to my eyes this morning as I felt their trueness. May you find a way to express art in living today.
painting by Claude Monet
Reader Comments (5)
Art does scares me and also calls out to me. Sometimes I can ignore, others I cannot. Today, a date to finish a collage. Will I play fully, be changed, open myself to the creation? I pray so.
I recall having a slightly heated discussion with a taxi driver a few years ago when work had started in my town on a new art gallery and theatre.
He couldn't see the point - thought it was a waste of money. How sad for him. I wonder if he ever visited the gallery to see if he might change his mind.
tia louise--
may your prayers come true. so sweet to see your name here! thank you.
love, k
i often ponder chance meetings i have experienced. we never know where they may lead. thanks for visiting!
So fun that you think of us when you write of art! May art be part of how
God enlarges our selves and helps us greet the world. I don't have much time
on this last day before we leave, but I perused some of your recent blogs,
Kayce, and loved what I experienced. The art, your words, and the words of
others you included all draw my soul to its Maker. I am right now wishing
for a second, concurrent life where I can just read and read and read. The
books you list invite me as well as wishing I could immerse myself in your
blog daily. Ah, the joys and sorrows of being linked to time! I am grateful
for what your blog must be to you and what it is for those of us who visit
it. Thank you!
Love, Cheryl