Advent Journey Continues

So, what do you do when you have too many words, thoughts and events running through your head that it would take pages and pages to even begin? I realized this morning that when that happens to me often a poem will pop out. Advent continues to be an amazing journey for me. I have been very nearly overwhelmed by the thoughtful and thought-provoking responses I have received on my last few posts. I am blessed by each of you in ways you likely cannot imagine. I am grateful. I am humbled. I am pondering.
This graphic is a collage card I made last week at an evening workshop. I am still unraveling what this art has to say to me. The poem is one of a continuing journey; weaving times, places, people, & events in and out. It seems appropriate to preface it with these words of Ronald Rolheiser, given to me in a post comment from Gabrielle.
"Advent should not be confused with Lent. The crimson-purple of Advent is not the black-purple of Lent. The former symbolizes yearning and longing, the latter repentence. The spirituality of Advent is about carrying tension without prematurely resolving it so that we do not short-circuit the fullness that comes from respecting love's rhythms. Only when there is enough heat will there be unity. To give birth to what's divine requires the slow patience of gestation."she is most interesting to me
gazing at me through pools of brown
lovely eyes aglow
do not be afraid
it is a time of shedding & rebirth
an awakening
creative & colossal
shining in the shadows
hidden light revealed
ancient wisdom in 5 year old eyes
vibrant & watchful
she is most interesting to me
poppies in hand
serpent looming
entwined with god
one god
lives rippling outward in time
embracing the whole
the beloved
ancestors dance the bridge between day & night
angels float in shadow bright
golden shimmering
shadows joining light
she is most interesting to me
crown donned with flowers white
lucy of the light
patron saint of blind
mother earth
rebirth & new life
speak of shadows feared
step into them & see
they are filled with light
shadowy brilliance
sorting through life
yes, she is most interesting to me
Reader Comments (7)
"ancestors dance the bridge between day & night". I just love the line, and the image, Lucy.
gabrielle--i was so touched and blessed by your comment left on "preparing space". you have a wonderful way with insight. thank you for sharing it with me! peace.
Beautiful, Lucy, a truly blessed image and words.
Following your path, observing ... I realize you are most interesting to me as well. Thanks for including us in your journey.
Hugs and blessings,
tess and storyteller--glad to have you journeying along with me!
Wow - the collage is magic - congratulations. My first thought, (I'm sorry:(,) was oh, she's found an intriguing collage/photo from "somewhere." How wonderful to learn that it was from the "somewhere" of YOU!
One more thought.....wouldn't Mrs. Peck be astounded to know that her words about a little 5 year old girl still resonate in adult minds on a strange vehicle named the internet and we, the even stranger bloggers:) We never know how important our everyday thoughts may be to yet generations to come. makes me smile and hope