
"An open mind, like an open window, should be screened to keep the bugs out." Virginia Hutchinson
This morning was a great example of why I should never open my e-mail before doing my quiet time and journaling. I spent half of the night (or at least it felt like it) pondering my post of yesterday along with a book i just finished reading. There was a seriously fabulous post rattling around in my brain. For some ridiculous reason, however, I chose to open my mail before journaling and now my head is filled with other stuff.
I received two chuckles from friends...a prayer request from a sister in e-mail from a disgruntled co-worker...the new download of Grey's Anatomy...a great morning reading about "choice" and an update from a friend who is sheepishly leaving today for a Mediterranean cruise. Throw into the mix that my son is having minor surgery this a.m. and papers to grade for Monday and guess what...the 'fabulous post' must wait until later.
Hopefully I will find a little time today to put the 'screen back on my window' so not quite so many 'bugs' fly through!
photo by permission from j.d. stevens
Reader Comments (4)
Ah yes -- Life is what happens to us while we're busy making plans. Your post reminds me of a quote I heard somewhere (but have no clue where) that went something like ... "I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack at once."
Your words demonstrate your awareness of what is ... and that's a good thing. Breathe ... relax ... and trust your intuition to guide you through the maze of today's activities ... being as good to yourself as you are to others. Hugs and blessings.
it was great hanging out the other day. i'm sorry about the email. i'm glad we got it worked out quickly though. i hope you have a great weekend and that j's surgury goes well!
i love john lennon's quote about life (it has a special place in my story) and the next about "several days attacking at once"--right on!!
i appreciate your insight and i smiled as i read your e-mail in the brief moment i had wireless coverage yesterday...i was actually wearing a new shirt that says "breathe" on the chest and on the right sleeve, it says "inhale", the left "exhale." some days that is the absolute best we can do, is just to keep breathing!!!
I like the 'open mind' quote, and Lennon's quote is a favorite!! I'm a working mother and wife, so I understand that though the muse may descend...duty still calls!! :)