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"Home is where the heart is and thus a movable feast." --author unknown

art by Muriel Taylor, La Cruz

January almost gone. The first month of the new year. It was an amazing month. In some ways it seems like it has flown by but in many ways it has filled a lifetime. I was only in Seattle, my home, for a few days, yet I felt more "home" than ever. Home to me speaks of being connected to myself--connected to my soul. Home is where Lucy lives. Lucy of the light.

I experienced lightness and freedom among friends. Beautiful times of communion and fellowship with my family. I witnessed miracles and life with women I recently met, yet believe I have known for a lifetime. Beginnings of life. Endings of death. Ice breaking and floes starting to move. Coyotes howling. Dolphins dancing. Freedom.

These are the memories and miracles I must hold onto as the busyness of life tries to squeeze in and a new day begins. My friend, Gibran, speaks to me again:

"For that which is boundless in you abides in the mansion in the sky, whose door is the morning mist, and whose windows are the songs and silences of night."

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