
While I am not your typical chocolate-craving woman, I find myself occasionally yearning for a taste of the delectable delight. Tonight following a lovely, light dinner of baked chicken with ginger-pepper sauce, assorted brown rice and fresh mixed greens with baby heirloom tomatoes, blackberries and blue cheese, my taste buds said, "Thank you & one more thing... Chocolate, please." Since this isn't a normal request at our house, I considered my alternatives - diving into a past expiration bag of Tollhouse semi-sweet chips or the never-satisfying unsweetened Baker's chocolate. Neither would suffice. Fortunately at the opportune moment, my husband rose to go pick up our daughter and I realized I could pass the request onto him, "Chocolate truffles, please - Trader Joe's." He looked at me like, Really? Are you serious? But then he saw my face and decided no response was necessary. He's a good man.
To give oneself to the enjoyment of something, one must be fully present. So it was to be. I turned my training in presence over to this tiny sensual piece of dusted decadence placed on a hand-picked cocktail napkin, & pared with a perfect cup of steaming decaf. Norah Jones gently wafted from the stereo. Candles glowed in the frosted crystal cup. Day waned. Taste buds readied. Ready. Set. Savor. One quarter-sized treat delivered more than half a dozen bites of heaven. Need I say more?
And so we return from whence we began: When's the last time you truly savored something? I highly recommend it!!
'African daisies' savored at the Walla Walla Farmer's Market

Reader Comments (16)
When's the last time I truly savoured something?
Just then. Reading this post :)
ah, thanks, suzie Q... nice to see ya here!!
oh my - a house where chocolate is not a normal request!?!
so glad you went the high road and had the quality truffle
and what a funny contrast, savoring something sweet :)
We have Trader Joe's in Arlington, and I have on occasion bought those truffles. They are as you describe them. I need to make a TJ's run.
I'm going to our annual Chamber of Commerce dinner tonight and am excited to savor that experience!
Also, I just came from a meeting with a woman I do editing for. We were sitting outside at the coffee shop where we meet, and she was wearing a straw hat. Sunshine was coming down through the little holes in the hat and making an interesting pattern of light dots on her face, a la Avatar. I could have just filtered that out of my awareness but savored it instead. Really SAW it.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. About an hour ago. {YUM}.
Nurturing silence (or a reasonable facsimiile thereof) after about a week of travelling and hosting friends. I am savouring the quiet that I hardly noticed before. The boys were charming hosts, very friendly and cuddly, but I think they are pleased with the peace adn quiet which has descended.
kel - i realize it seems odd to many to not have chocolate as one of the major food groups. i'm definitely more of a salty girl. the bittersweet dusting on this truffle makes it a perfect indulgence when the craving hits!!
maureen - several months ago they opened the "largest" TJ in the country about a mile from my house. i was worried the charm would be lost in a superstore. not to worry - the merely made the aisles wider and the selection stayed its marvelous unique self.
polli - i hope the chamber dinner exceeded your expectations and i adore your description of savoring those tiny specks of light. delightful!!!
tinkerbell - a fine choice!!
barbara - silence is one of my favorite things to savor. especially with a purring kitty (or two perhaps for you) curled in my lap.
Yesterday afternoon I savoured the man who looked to be in about his sixties, who was playing a flute in the greengrocer's. The young bloke who was stacking the shelves with pumpkins wasn't too flash on this man in his shop and shooed him outside.
Personally, I'd have gone and bought something from that shop if the man had been allowed to stay :)
It was lovely flute playing too, brought a smile to my face.
sue - i love that story - aside from the man being shooed outside. there really is so much loveliness in the world if we open our eyes, ears and hearts!!
this morning I savored a winter solstice sunrise
Well, my savor of today was a fresh juicy navel orange - peel and all for me, of course:) Your post though did make me yearn for one of Bright's best truffles. I'm savoring that thought for another day though!
Love the pictures and the WW roses of yesterday's(?) post were instantly recognizable to me - so lovely!
lovely, kel... your days now begin to get longer as i'm looking at the fading light of our longest day.
SS - boy, howdy, you're definitely living in your own time zone. the roses showed up a week ago :-) xoxo
savor away, dear sis!!
A few months I ago, I did a one-day retreat with Jennifer Louden, and she has us do exactly this--take a wonderful piece of chocolate and then savor. We held it, we smelled it, we licked it, then we took a tiny nibble and let it melt on our tongues. So decadent--so sensuous! I felt so alive!!
Karen - sounds like it may be time for another taste!
I savored a great wine last night. I dissolved into the red Bordeaux. I am not sure I have emerged yet :-)