streams from the shower

a full day ahead of me, i just wanted to share this little epiphany that came to me in the shower this morning. i spent about five hours working in my yard yesterday. glorious. really it was an amazing church experience. i have so much fullness flowing through, but need to head out the door momentarily.
anyway...the gardening i did yesterday was the kind of work that nobody notices unless you don't do it. you know, pulling out the weeds that threaten to take over the healthy plants. thinning out some of the good stuff, so it can shine a little brighter and breathe more fully.
so, that's my you see how that is like life? doing the work nobody notices (maybe even yourself) unless you DON'T do it. it's important stuff!!
sorry for the brevity, but you're a smart bunch (of flowers)...i'd love to know what you come up with as you ponder the weeds of your life and even the thinning of "good stuff" that might need to happen. so, how does your garden grow???
gotta run. have a grand day in your garden of life!!

Reader Comments (9)
What a big -- and easily missed (like a weed!) -- Truth this is. Thank you. :)
Immediately, I thought of my yoga practice... It takes a week or so of missing (again, like weeding), and then I notice the feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and just general "off-ness."
Taking you literally... when I weed or mow the lawn, I find that after a wee while, once I've established a rhythm and my brain is in neutral, I start to notice all of the beauty that's around - the buds about to burst open, the bees gathering the pollen, the play of sunlight through the branches, the joy of colour combinations...
Maybe there should be more of that in my life??
A wonderful observation. Very much "full stream ahead".
I'm thinking of thinning the garden as we speak, and dwelling on that which brings good to family, self, others.
Will be heading up your way the last week of July, plane tickets bought. Not sure where we're staying, but will let you know. :)
What comes to my mind, anyway, is the work one does that no one ever notices. No one notices if you do it. No one notices if you do not do it. Yet it sends out ripples of goodness in all directions that no one could connect to you. To do good even if God were never to notice ...
Here's what came to me this morning during my pages. Vanquishing my thoughts of unworthiness. I am stunned when I consider that I somehow misinterpreted God's grace to think I am not worthy of it. These weeds have deep roots yet I am determined to pull them. It is a life's work. I AM the power and presence of God in this moment.
Oh, this is a good one...I've certainly noticed that when it comes to housework, but to apply it to myself? Hmm...yes, yes it's TRUE! Physically, spiritually, to be done constantly...perhaps not a lot of appreciation for it as its being done...but oh so necessary...I can conjure up all sorts of instances of things left undone and showing their effect...
oh dear readers, i knew i didn't have to say much and you would take the hoe to the row :-)
CCR--yoga/exercise/eating right all of those things come to mind for me too!
ER--that rhythm of connecting with nature is powerful indeed. while i was weeding i focused on very little other than the moment. 5 hours of 'in the moment' is pretty sweet :-)
so, tess...what's your stream look like? :-)
HGF--do keep me posted. yea!
barbara--i love the idea of "ripples of goodness". back to the garden, i am reminded how it may bless others with its beauty especially when it is not filled with overpowering weeds.
brett--"vanquishing my thoughts of unworthiness". i know i could use a little (lot) more of that. it takes constant reminders for me!!
karen--we are definitely on the same page!
thank you all for your luscious comments :-)
Oh - great epiphany! The showers a definite place for great thoughts:)